
Pull Up a Chair at Ringo’s Tavern

About us

Experience Fiction through Military Eyes

John Ringo is a bestselling author and veteran of the 82nd Airborne, Ringo’s Tavern brings a unique blend of military knowledge and storytelling to readers


Core Values



Aliens, space, invasions, and sometimes Maple Syrup.



Worlds destroyed, large human death tolls.


Epic Battles

Explosions, weapons, losses and gains. But most of all Hope!

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Adventure-Seeking Future


Our Unique Offerings

Explore why Ringo’s Tavern stands out among the rest

Immersive Tales

Step into the shoes of heroes and experience thrilling and immersive adventures



Our stories are enriched by real military experiences, offering readers a unique perspective


Engaging Characters

Meet unforgettable characters who will stay with you long after you finish the book

Reader Testimonials


Ringo’s Tavern books have reignited my love for military sci-fi. Every page is a new adventure!

– Jack Smith


As a female reader, I appreciate the strong, well-developed female characters in Ringo’s books. Truly inspiring!

– Sarah Jones


Ringo’s storytelling is unmatched. Each book feels like a journey worth taking again and again.

– Emily Parker

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